The show finally came down at the naked lounge last night. Its hard to believe that its already been a month. I hopefully have sold a few pieces, still waiting to finalize the details with buyers. Over all I think that it was a success. I got to have the work seen by the public and I have a whole book of feedback and some new peeps to add to the mailing list. Now I just need to find out where to put the ones I haven’t sold…
Speaking of changes, it looks like there are some big changes for me in the works. I was recently accepted into The New School for Media Studies for the spring semester. That means that I will be headed to New York City in January to begin my new wonderful life as a grad student. I can’t wait to hang out in coffee shops til 3am and chain smoke cigarettes because I am “working” on my thesis. And there is a bonus. The New School thought I was so fantastic, that they gave me a $20,000 scholarship. Bonus! That covers 1/3 of my entire tuition!

Grad school is a big step though. Its not like taking a media class at GMC, its serious. I am excited to go, but I am also nervous. One hears all sorts of horror stories about grad school. Tons of reading, scathing professors, hellish hours, and of course the really long thesis. Its not that I think that Im not cut out for it, its just scary, being in a big place, with the pressure to do well. Its expensive!!! Id better learn something! Haha.
A good friend of mine moved away from New York approximately the same time I left for undergrad. While giving him the good news the other day, he informed me that he also had plans to return to the city. It feels very serendipitous to be headed back east right now. I feel very optimistic about the opportunities in the future. Its like the universe wants me to be in the east right now, I have felt it pulling ever since I left.
In other news, I will be having a print sale for images from the latest exhibition, you can check out the images here. Contact Ozskinner@gmail.com to request prints. $10 a piece, 6x5 (size of a standard greeting card).
Til next time.
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